Merit Badges

Merit Badges

To earn the Eagle rank, a Scout must earn at least 21 Merit Badges, of which 13 are "Eagle-Required." Over 130 total Merit Badges are available, spanning sports, crafts, science, business, trades, and careers.

Merit Badge coordinators

Mr. Forsythe -

Mr. Banister -


Worksheets / More on merit badges / Easy badges to start


A Scout can only earn a Merit Badge with the approval of, and under the direct guidance of, a Merit Badge Counselor. Many opportunities exist to earn Merit Badges, including:

  • Troop-sponsored Merit Badges

  • Merit Badge Colleges

  • Summer Camp

  • Other occasional community Merit Badge offerings (online classes)

Troop 456 coordinates and offers "Troop-Sponsored Merit Badges." This is when the troop works on a merit badge together, and the scout is responsible to complete any needed extra work. We provide awareness of other offerings in other organizations, but families/scouts are on their own to pursue them.

For summer camp, each scout must obtain a blue card signed by the scoutmaster PRIOR to beginning work on a merit badge per the guidelines in our troop handbook.

This shows intentionality and initiative on the part of the scout. Merit Badges are not earned retroactively or "by accident," but by intent. If you are going on a high adventure trip like Philmont, please review the requirements for any badges you wish to work on BEFORE you leave and make sure you get a blue card.

Retroactive credit is unfortunately not available for work done prior to obtaining a blue card (or starting a badge at summer camp).

Please see the Troop 456 handbook or contact a leader for additional details on the Merit Badge process. We are happy to help!